▶️ Compilation de 1 000 "coïncidences" de MORTS SUBITES liées aux athlètes et aux sports...

8 months ago

Ce qui suit est une compilation documentée de 1 000 "coïncidences" de morts subites liées aux athlètes et aux sports entre mars 2021 et le 16 juin 2022, chaque diapositive étant présentée pendant 5 secondes. Il ne s'agit que des incidents dont nous entendons parler et qui sont liés au sport. Les chiffres réels sont inconnus. Il y a un effort concerté et désespéré de la part des grandes entreprises technologiques et des grands médias pour ignorer, cacher, dissimuler, détourner ou carrément mentir sur ce qui se passe...

(Liens des articles parus au bas)

Vidéo originale de BitChute :


The following is a documented compilation of 1,000 Athletes and Sports related incidences from March 2021 to 16th June 2022, each slide presented for 5 seconds. These are only the ones we hear about and which are sports related. The real numbers are unknown. There is a concerted and desperate effort by big tech and the mainstream media to ignore, hide, cover up, divert or straight up lie about what is going on...

Original BitChute Video:

Phillip Matera Links Brother Peter Matera's Heart Attack To Covid Vaccine (June 1, 2022)

769 Athletes Collapsed This Year During Competition. What's Going On? (April 20, 2022)

Australian Football Show Admits Link Between Vaccines And Heart Issues (April 11, 2022)

Matt Le Tissier On The Epidemic Death Of Athletes: "This Needs To Be Investigated!"

Hundreds Of Professional Athletes Collapsing On Field, Dying From Heart Complications

Worldwide Surge Of Sports People Suffering Sudden Health Issues And Death

Complete COVID-19 Vaccine-Related Athlete Injury/Death List To-Date: 779 Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 500 Dead

318 Athlete Cardiac Arrest, Serious Issues, 178 Dead, After COVID Shot

Why Aren't We Investigating Surge in Sudden Deaths of Athletes?

At Least 69 Athletes Collapse In One Month, Many Dead (November 26, 2021)

Over A 60X Increase In Pro Sports Adverse Events Since The Vaccines Rolled Out (November 13, 2021)

Crazy Spike In Young Athletes Dying: Former Pfizer VP Sounds The Alarm (November 28, 2021)

9 Facts From Aaron Rodgers' Explosive Vaccine Interview You Aren't Allowed To Say (November 8, 2021)

REPORT: 75 European Fully Vaccinated Athletes Have Died or Became Seriously Ill From "Sudden" Heart Attacks In the Past 5 Months (November 4, 2021)

Worldwide Surge Of Sports People Suffering Sudden Health Issues And Death (November 3, 3021)

From 13 Years! Long List Of Athletes Who "Suddenly" Died Or Were Seriously Ill (October 28, 2021)

Are Vaccined Athletes Suffering Heart Attacks? (October, 2021)

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